Thermoplastic Elastomer
The TEP sole is an integral structure: the outer layers of the sole are monolithic and the inner layers, in the volume of the product, are porous. TEP combines the elastic properties of rubber (the ability to highly elastic deformations and high frost resistance) and the thermoplastic properties of thermoplasts (high fluidity in the molten state and the ability to be processed by casting).

The soles of the TEP material are well flexed and easily assume the original shape, do not restrain the natural movements of the foot and ensure comfortable movement on any surface.

Skidding resistance
TAP-soles have a high friction coefficient on asphalt, wet roads and snow, which reduces the risk of injury, including in winter. Good adhesion to the surface ensures safety even when the ice is strong.
Wear resistance
Thermoplastic has high wear resistance, so shoes on this sole can serve several seasons even under active loads. This sole is resistant to various chemicals (this is important especially in winter when roads and pedestrian pavements are treated with different reagents).

Well thermal isolation
TEP-soles are characterized by high frost resistance (-45 °C) (not separated or cracked) and heat resistance (+50°C.). The composition of thermo-thermal resistant soles is dominated by washing rubber, which increases strength and resistance to low temperatures. Due to the addition of mineral fillers and stabilizers, the base retains good elasticity even in severe frost. This material preserves heat well, so the feet won’t freeze or get wet.

Environmentally friendly
The soles of the termoplastic can be recycled, which contributes to significant resource savings and, importantly, does not pollute the environment.

Due to the fact that the internal layers in the TEP-sole are porous, the total weight of the shoes is reduced and the legs become less tired at will.